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Medicinal Monday: Cinnamon

Mother of Mugwort

In my opinion, the best part of kitchen-witching is how easy it really is. There are so many things we use every day and don't even realize how special they are.

Cinnamon or Cinnamomum zeylancium is something you'll see in every common kitchen, but it used to be rare and cost a pretty penny. It's very popular in Chinese herbal medicine where its been used for centuries. Chinese healers suggest the daily use of cinnamon to help you look and feel young.

Cinnamon bark has an oily chemical called cinnamaldehyde in it that can kill off tons of bad bacteria like those that cause E coli, salmonella, and staph infections. It also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle and helps with flooding during menopause. It eases stomach aches, stimulates digestion, and can alleviate gas cramps and can help stop vomiting. Plus cinnamaldehyde can help reduce anxiety and stress. And cinnamon tea can help stop bronchial asthma attacks.

On an entirely different note, it can also be used as an aphrodisiac--and it pairs deliciously with hibiscus for the perfect love witch tea or dessert!

In magic it's used in spells for success, healing, power, psychic power, lust, protection, and love. When burned as an incense, it aids in healing, draws money, stimulates your psychic power, and protects.

So add some cinnamon tea to your daily routine and stock up on cinnamon incense. It'll do you a world of good!

(First image from


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